Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Laddie Come Home

Anybody who watched "The National" on Monday August 4th on CBC must have noticed that Peter wasn't looking very healthy. His complexion was splotchy and sickly. The CTV Network accused the CBC of being too cheap to send Peter's regular make-up artist with him to China. That was not actually the case. In fact, right after Peter's electronic countenance made it back to Canada, the CBC sent two of it's best make-up people to Beijing by the fastest way possible. . . email. Now, I happen to be very experienced with Chinese ways so I knew exactly what Peter's problem was: Peter had eaten dog!
Oh, I know what you're thinking. . . You think China has taken dog off the menu. Well, that's true. China has taken dog off it's written menus. . . sort of. Dog, slightly disguised is still being served, and in the finest of restaurants!
For instance, Peter probably innocently ordered the Fire Hydrant Special. . . or maybe it was the Bob Barker Burger or even the Hot Benji Sandwich. I know a lot of tourists have turned green with envy (?) just watching the native Chinese lapping up the delectable Roll-Over-Rover turnover.
Now, it is possible that Peter has not eaten dog but has eaten rat, which is still on most Chinese menus. I have to admit a nice, big, sewer rat, cooked as only the Chinese can, will compete with anything Montreal's Chez Paree will serve up (Food wise, anyway!)yet they still try to disguise it on menus. Once again, in his innocence, Peter has probably ordered the Rodentia Hash, or possibly the Mickey burger which is made from only very young rats. I sincerely hope that Peter wasn't unlucky enough to ingest the James Cagney Special which, though extremely tasty, is really nothing more than a hard-boiled dirty rat!
Changing the subject; Peter and the CBC did a fine job uncovering the rotten, sordid politics of China trying to compete with the rotten, sordid politics of what we call. . . "The Olympics!"