Thursday, May 3, 2007

This Hour has a Blooper

"Yo Dude. This is "The Hour" George here. Sup Man?"
"This is the President."
"Hey! Mr. Bush. I'm so thrilled you call. . ."
"Not THAT president! This is the CBC President. Is this George Papapoopalotapiss?"
"Well. . . uh. . . Hey, yeah, that's close enough, yeah, yeah, that's me."
"How do you spell that?"
"No, you idiot! How do you spell your name?"
"G-E-O-R. . ."
"My last name? Damned if I know. My mother always did that for me."
"Ah yes, your mother. . . A fine lady. I was speaking with her yesterday."
"Golly! That's great dude. uh, I mean Mr. President. What'd she have to say?"
"She said your brother is an only child."
"Hmmm. That's strange. She never mentioned anything about that to me."
"She also said you think a club sandwich is made of wood."
"Well, like, duh, man. what else could a CLUB sandwich be made of? DUH!"
"Listen George, We've told you before, stop mentioning about all those emails you get, accusing the CBC of being biased toward the Liberals. It's just drawing attention to the fact."
"But Sir, I love the CBC. I was just defending. . ."
"George, you defending the CBC is like Clifford Olsen defending daycare centres!"
"Clifford who?"
"George, the only reason you have a show is to make Mansbridge look better when he comes on right after you."
"Oh yeah man, he really looked great in that cinnamon suit last week. Any chance I could wear a suit like that on my show so I could look that good too?"
"You poor, mentally challenged, wannabe hippy! The only way you could look good would be for us to tear out all those clangy decorations from your body and put you beside Scott Brison!"
"Scott who?"
"Brison? He's that traitorous little weasel who'd vote yes to marry your male dog if he thought he'd get a little pat on the popo from papa Stephane."
"Ho, dude! DUH! Sorry man, I don't have a dog! DUH!"
"I'm happy for the dog!"
"And also, DUH! I betcha think I donno what clitoris means. Like, DUHHHH!"


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

One Or Tutter

There's a question that's been floating around in my mind for years:
Does the CBC only hire Liberals, or do only Liberals apply for work at the CBC?
Anyway. . . I'm going now and cook me up some brekkie. Let's see. . . If I had some bacon I'd have bacon and eggs. . . if I had some eggs.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Next To Godliness!

It is said that Ontario Voters have the cleanest brains in Canada.
It is also said that the CBC can legitimately take credit for most of this cleanliness.


A Political Odyssey

"Hello. . . This is David Gray in Calgary. I'd like to speak with the president."
"I'm sorry sir, Mr. Bush isn't in right now."
"Jeez! Not that president. The CBC President."
"Just a moment sir, I'll patch you through."
"Good afternoon, Dave, How are you today?"
"It's morning sir. Still morning here in Calgary. Are you watching my show?"
"I'm sorry Dave, I was not watching your show."
"Sir, I don't have much time. I'm on commercial break. I was wondering if you would ask the call screeners to allow at least a couple of calls through that are not Liberal?"
"I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that. You know it's against our policy, Dave."
"But sir, the polls indicate there are a helluva lot more Conservatives out there than Liberals. If my calls don't reflect that these redneck Albertans will run me out of town. I'll end up in Siberia or Ontario or someplace!"
"That's too bad Dave. I'm sorry about that Dave. Will you be taking your vacation in August again this year, Dave?"
"Sir! Even my Liberal guest has commented ON AIR about the absence of Conservative calls. Whatever happened to fair and balanced?"
"I'm sorry Dave. May I ask you another question, Dave?"
"Question? Uh. . . yes, go ahead. . ."
"Thank you Dave. You mentioned you had such a nice time on your vacation last year, Dave, will you be going to the same place this year, Dave?"
"Jesus! Is everybody going crazy?"
"I'm sorry Dave. Crazy is a subjective word that requires an opinion. I'll have to get back to you on that one, Dave."
"Yes. . . Yes sir, do that. By the way sir. . .?"
"Yes Dave? Continue Dave."
"Just behind your desk, near the floor there's probably a thick, white cord plugged into the wall. Do you7 see it sir?"
"Just a moment, Dave. . . I'm looking for it now, Dave. . . Yes Dave. . . I see it Dave. . ."
